How to clean all the screens in your home

Whether you’re talking about your aging laptop screen or that brand new OLED TV you just bought, they all get dusty and dirty over time. You may be hesitant to thoroughly clean the screens in your home, and the fact that there are many products out there that claim to do the best doesn’t help. But we found that the best route is actually the easiest. If you want to refresh all the screens in your home, we’ll outline the best ways to do it correctly without damaging any devices.

how no Clean your screen

Igor's desktopIgor's desktop
Photography: Igor Bonifacic/Engadget

Before we get into how to clean your screen, here are a few ways you can No Want to continue this process. First and foremost, you don’t want to use substances like isopropyl alcohol or Windex to clean your monitor. Alcohol and ammonia-based cleaners may damage the screen’s anti-reflective coating. Repeated use of these substances can cause cloudiness and the coating to become uneven.

Companies like Whoosh make cleaners that won’t damage your screen, but in my experience you’re better off using distilled water. It’s more affordable than specialized cleaners and more versatile because you can use it on a variety of surfaces. It also doesn’t leave any residue on your monitor, which is something I’ve occasionally seen products like the Whoosh do. You can buy distilled water at the grocery store or make your own with some simple cooking utensils.

In a pinch, you can use tap water, but we recommend against it. Depending on the water hardness in your area and how your city handles it, there may be minerals and chemicals that again leave a residue or, worse, damage the display’s coating.

Once you have some distilled water, you’ll need a separate spray bottle. One option is to reuse a bottle you already have at home, but if you don’t have a spare, Muji makes these handy travel bottles in sizes 100ml, 50ml and 30ml that are perfect for the task and you can Find a similar bottle on Amazon.

Next, be careful with what you use to wipe your screen. You want to avoid using paper towels, rags, and anything else that might have an abrasive surface that could damage the coating on your screen. You can use the sleeves of an old but clean T-shirt. That said, use a microfiber cloth for best results. This is because the fabric they are made from is very soft and good at attracting dust. We recommend purchasing a pack so you always have a clean one on hand. The last thing you want to do is use a dirty monitor and transfer any dirt and grime to it.

Finally, avoid spraying any liquid directly on the monitor. If you place it on a microfiber cloth, you’ll have more control and it’ll be easier to keep it out of the more sensitive parts of your monitor.

How to clean your screen

Igor's monitorIgor's monitor
Photography: Igor Bonifacic/Engadget

Once all of this is done, the actual process of cleaning your monitor is simple. If you’re only dealing with some dust, use a can of compressed air or a hair dryer to remove it. You can also use a dry microfiber cloth.

Otherwise, moisten a microfiber cloth with a small amount of distilled water and gently wipe the monitor. After wiping the entire surface, turn the cloth over and use the dry side to wipe away any excess water. At this stage, avoid polishing the screen or using excessive pressure. You don’t want any particles to get into the surface of the screen.

That’s it. You should now have a clean display. Obviously, cleaning larger screens will take longer, but you can use the tips above for all types of displays, including TVs, monitors, and glass smartphone displays.

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from Tech Empire Solutions

from Tech Empire Solutions


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