George Carlin’s estate settles lawsuit over podcast’s artificial intelligence comedy special

There will be no follow-up to the artificial intelligence-generated George Carlin comedy special released by podcaster Dudesy. In January, Carlin’s estate filed a lawsuit against the podcast and its creators, Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen, alleging they violated the performers’ publicity rights and violated copyrights. Now, the parties have reached a settlement that includes permanently removing the comedy special from Dudesy’s archives. Sasso and Kurtgen also agreed not to repost the content on any platform or use Carlin’s image, voice or likeness on any platform without the estate’s approval. New York Times.

The artificial intelligence algorithm Dudesi used in the special was trained on thousands of hours of routine training over Carlin’s decades-long career. It provided enough fodder for an hour-long special, but it left a rather poor impression of the late comedian, with basic laughs and few of Carlin’s hallmarks of humor. Carlin’s daughter Kelly called it “a poorly executed replica cobbled together by an unscrupulous individual” in a statement.

Josh Schiller, who is representing Carlin’s estate in court, told The Times: “[t]The world has begun to realize the power and potential dangers inherent in artificial intelligence tools that can mimic voices, generate fake photos and alter videos. He added that this was “not a problem that is going to go away on its own” and that it “must be” that the courts take swift and forceful action. The lawyer said that companies that manufacture artificial intelligence software “must also bear a certain degree of responsibility.”

The lawsuit is just one of many filed by creatives against artificial intelligence companies and people who use the technology by training algorithms on someone’s job. Several nonfiction writers and novelists, including George R.R. Martin, John Grisham, and Jodi Picoult, sued OpenAI for using them works to train its large language model. New York Times Several other news organizations have also sued the company for using their articles for training purposes and allegedly copying their content verbatim without attribution.

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