You won’t cancel Amazon Prime

There was a time when #DeleteFacebook was trending on social media every few months. They claim that countless people are tired of Facebook’s endless scandals, and this time they are finally going to stop using Facebook. Some did, but Facebook’s user base continued to grow years later. Now, Amazon is experiencing a similar performance phenomenon.As calls to cancel Amazon Prime grow louder Complaints about advertising and monopolyNew data shows Jeff Bezos’ money-making machine is still expanding.

This time last year, when analytics firm Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) announced: Amazon Prime U.S. membership has stopped growing first. But CIRP is back, and according to its latest estimates, the decline is over. CIRP said Amazon will have 8 million more Prime subscribers by 2023.In fact, its Report Shows that a higher percentage of U.S. Amazon users are paying for Prime than ever before.

The litany of grievances has prompted a growing number of people to vow to end their relationship with Amazon, from individual consumers on social media to writer and reporter The entire web. on Monday, Amazon officially launches ads on Amazon Prime Video, much to the chagrin of the audience. The streaming service is free with a Prime subscription and has been promoted as an ad-free experience in the past. Now, if you don’t want to take advantage of the Colgate sale between episodes, you’ll have to pay an additional $3 on top of the $139 you already paid for Prime. Rachel. That adds to other complaints about Prime’s declining quality, not to mention a growing distaste for Amazon’s influence over Amazon. labor, small companies,as well as environment.

But apparently all the complaints weren’t enough to deter the Web’s largest store.Amazon isn’t seeing exponential growth in funding Bezos’ space journey, but according to CIRP, the numbers are still rising. Amazon did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“We see Prime membership growth slowing and speculate that it has reached its theoretical limit,” CIRP said in its report. “Amazon Prime membership numbers have been fairly flat from December 2021 to December 2022, but over the past year Growth picked up again mid-year, at least a little bit.”

CIRP estimates that the number of paying Prime members in the United States will increase to 176 million by 2023, a 5% increase from Amazon’s 168 million the previous year. The statistics get better when you dig into the details. CIRP found that 74% of Amazon’s U.S. customers are paying subscribers, which is an all-time high for the company and a big jump from Amazon’s 66% in 2022. Love it or hate it, Amazon’s user base doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.

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